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Natural Reserve Bourgoyen Ossemeersen

Uitgevoerd: Yes

Periode: 2000-2007

Type: Public

This project was part of a ‘Fris in het Landschap’ landscape project. The central element is a 2.5 by 2.5 by 2.5 m module, in a sawtooth-shape. Info modules, bird watch modules and a tower (unaccomplished) were designed to be accommodated within this element. Several bridges were developed as well, the shape of one of which echoes the sawtooth shape…

cooperation construction: Bureau Cnockaert
in collaboration with ‘Fris in het Landschap’

Pakhuis Clemmen

Uitgevoerd: Yes

Periode: 2009-2011

Type: Public

The decision by the city of Gent to establish its department of culture in an old warehouse on the river Leie was intended as a bold statement. By situating it at this particular site, a new axis is created, that runs perpendicular to the main commercial axis in the city centre. In order to ensure that the architecture communicates directly with the city, an explicit language of forms was used. The new bay windows on the roof level facing different directions, and the transparency of the ground floor layout are intended to stimulate this communication. It was our explicit choice to open the courtyard to the public and reshape it into a place for people to take a break and rest. Inside the building, a box office was set up on the ground floor. The first and second floors accommodate offices and the third floor is a multifunctional space. What remained of the old warehouse has been restored and put in contrast with the new office interiors and library.

cooperation construction: Studiebureau Riessauw bvba

cooperation technics: Studiebureau De Klerck nv

Mill Betekom

Uitgevoerd: Yes

Periode: 2015-2021

Type: Public

An intervention in and restoration of the early 16th century mill ruins of Betekom. The wooden staircase (double helix) is a contemporary intervention where the wooden mill construction once stood. The old foundation forms the basis for the new wooden construction. The burnt wooden small joints between old and new refer to the fire that once destroyed the mill. Fragile and robust, like the history of this piece of heritage.

cooperation construction: Arthur De Roover

Shelter Melsele

Uitgevoerd: Yes

Periode: 2018-2021

Type: Public

Shelter, circus, oculus, scouting, gravity, octagon, transformation.

cooperation construction: Arthur De Roover & Riessauw bv

photography: Johnny Umans